Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trail Journals, September Christmas and Other Erratta.

"It has been another great day on the Trail in spite of the rain. Tomorrow's forecast is for more rain but we'll take what comes. That's life on the can't beat it!!" Footsteps, Appalachian Trail, 2001 

I have decided to keep a hike journal on during my hike. I will have a direct link to this journal posted here in the next few days.  You can read more about my prep as well as when I am hiking, I will be updating my progress as much as I can on  It has a much simpler interface than this site and that will make it easier for me to update my journal more often while on the trail. is a great place to read other peoples journals from their attempts to hike most of the long trails in the United States.  It makes for interesting reading and believe it or not, some are very well written allowing the reader to become immersed in the day to day trail life. Check it out...

So, it is Christmas in September!  I received the new tent and today I received some new winter hiking clothing. had a great sale and I was able to pick up a Mountain Hardwear micro fleece sweater, new merino wool glove liners, carpeline 3 shirt and a carpeline 2 pair of bottoms and spent less than $100.  Now that was a bargain.  Well, the base layer is a HIDEOUS olive green but who cares! I will be warm and dry during winter training and on the first leg of the hike.

Finances.  Finances still worry me at this time.  February/March is coming up fast and I still have not figured out if I am going to have sufficient funds for the hike.  Oh well, I can only do what I can do and hope it works out.  I am still trying to figure out how to bring more money into the coffers.

Training.  The next long training hike is coming up quickly.  The second weekend of October I will be hiking with a couple of other hikers somewhere on the AT in Virginia. The plan is to hike 30-35 miles over a long weekend.  Shorter miles averaging 10 miles a day but at a quicker pace are planned.  This will allow time during the day to work with gear and increase cardio as well as loiter at the more scenic views.  The new tent will be getting a workout this weekend.

Well that is all for the usual, just follow the compass rose north to Katahdin.


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